Garden/Black ants are not regarded as a ‘significant risk to public health’, however they can be a nuisance when found in the home. Garden ants are found throughout Britain and usually nest in gardens and areas around buildings. They often…
Bedbugs are wingless, oval shaped, flattened insects, usually about 6mm long. When they have not eaten they are pale brown in colour but become reddish brown to mahogany when fully fed on blood. The head has large antennae and the…
There are many types of bee, amongst which there are honey bees, bumble bees, masonry and minor or burrowing bees, all of which are the species that are most likely to be encountered. Most of these bees are harmless and,…
Although there are several types of carpet beetle the most common is the varied carpet beetle. It is the larval stage of the beetle’s life cycle which causes the most damage to carpets by feeding on any natural fibres within…
Although they do not pose a health risk, cluster flies can still cause discomfort and an inconvenience during the autumn and winter months when they come into houses and loft to hibernate. The main periods of activity are in the…
Cockroaches are generally found indoors, in areas such as cellars, basements, kitchens, bakeries and heating ducts. The Oriental cockroach can survive outdoors in Britain. Cockroaches will often remain hidden during the day using cracks and crevices as harbourages. This means…
The most common mouse found in buildings is the house mouse, weighing less than 25g. The fur colour varies between light brown and grey. Body length ranges between 60-90mm and the tail can add an additional 100mm. Mice have and…
Moles are most active during the winter and spring months. The mole hills are the waste produced from their tunnelling activities. It is these tunnels that act as a form of trap into which worms fall to be found by…
Problems may arise when pigeons roost on buildings as they foul from ledges and other nesting or roosting areas. Their droppings cause an unsightly mess and may also cause ‘slip’ hazards on walkways and pavements. Pigeons are regarded as unacceptable,…
The common rat typically has brownish fur on its back and it grey underneath. The adult body length is 200-270mm, plus a tail length of 150-200mm. Rats have excellent senses of smell and taste. They have an acute sense of…
Squirrels often take advantage of poorly maintained properties and will enlarge any potential entry points to gain access to loft areas. They are normally heard in the loft areas first thing in the morning and last thing at night. A…
Wasps live in nests that are typically found in roof spaces, airbricks, cavity walls, garden sheds, trees and even in rockeries, flowerbeds and shrubs. The nest is usually constructed from chewed bark and dried timber mixed with saliva and is…
The adult beetle emerges from the timber between April and June. After mating, the female lays clusters of eggs on timber in joints or cracks. When the larvae hatch they bore into the timber and remain there eating it from…